A powerful modality that uses the mind, body, nervous system and energetics of the body. A combination of eastern and western philosophy that gets to the root cause of what is causing your body to be stuck in a state of dis-ease.


Spinal Attunement™ works on the neuroendocrine system through the spine and the peripheral nervous system. It targets and heals the root cause of physical and emotional symptoms held in all layers of the body. This modality awakens the body's intelligence, allowing it to heal itself and bring you back to your natural state of homeostasis and alignment. Once the blockages are released, the activation of your life force energy naturally occurs.

By working directly with the nervous system and the spine, Spinal Attunement helps release deep-seated tensions and traumas that may be holding you back from living fully. This process isn’t just about the spine; it touches every layer of your being—physical, emotional, mental, and energetic —bringing you back to a state of balance, vitality, and inner peace.

The “goal” of this work is to bring you to a state of feeling “home” - this is a state of self connection, self compassion and “neutrality” or homeostasis/wholeness. Your true state of being.